Latino Tax Fest

The EPS Team at the 2022 Latino Tax Fest.
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2024 Latino Tax Fest Preferred Partner

The Ultimate Tax Continuing Education Seminars for Tax Preparers

Latino Tax Fest's 2024 theme "The year of growth".


As a tax preparer, you must stay informed of the latest tax updates. Tax education is essential for providing excellent service to your customers. That’s why you should join the summer fun at Latino Tax Fest, the ultimate tax continuing education seminars for tax preparers.

What is Latino Tax Fest?

Latino Tax Fest is the event that brings together tax preparers, Enrolled Agents, CPAs, CTEC, and AFSP professionals. It provides continuing education seminars on the latest tax updates and best practices. The convention is organized by the Latino Tax Professionals Association (LTPA) and supported by EPS along with other leading tax software companies. LTPA is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing support, education, and resources to tax professionals.

What are the perks of attending the event?

Attend Latino Tax Fest and gain valuable networking opportunities. Interact with industry thought leaders and have a great time in Las Vegas.

Seminal held at Latino Tax Fest.

First, you’ll have access to the latest tax updates, including changes to the tax code, new regulations, and best practices. The seminar topics scheduled for this year include California and New York tax updates as well as:

  • IRS audits how-to
  • Cybercrime prevention tips
  • Perpectives on the Inflation Reduction Act
  • Cryptos and taxes
  • See the 2024 schedule here!

Second, you’ll have the chance to meet other tax professionals, share experiences, and learn from each other.

Third, you’ll earn continuing education credits, up to 21 federal units that count towards your annual IRS requirements.

Who can register?

Latino Tax Fest is open to all tax preparers, regardless of their background. The convention is also geared toward tax preparers who wish to help the Latino and immigrant community since the Latino Tax Professional Association (LTPA) mission is to provide assistance and resources to Latino tax professionals.

When does the Latino Tax Fest take place?

Latino Tax Fest takes place annually, at the end of June (June 24 – 27) in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event is four days long beginning on Monday and ending on Thursday.

During this time, there are various activities, keynote speeches, breakout sessions, and fun networking events. These include a pool party and mariachi band concert.

How to register?

Bookmark the  Latino Tax Fest link for next year’s event. Usually, the registration fee includes access to all sessions, meals, and networking events.

The 2024 Latino Tax Fest All Access Pass is priced at $549 but starting June 6th.


  • Access to all Classrooms
  • Access to Bonus Sessions
  • Access to Marketplace
  • Mariachi Mixer
  • Pool Party
  • Up to 23 Continuing Education Credits


If the All Pass Access is not what you’re looking for, check the other options such as the Virtual Pass.

Attending Latino Tax Fest means staying on top of their game! You’ll have access to the latest tax updates, network with other professionals, earn continuing education credits, and have an amazing time in Las Vegas.

Plan accordindly and join the tax fiest to earn credits!